Wasatch House would not be the supportive and encouraging community it is without the help of various agencies and organizations. With the support of these agencies and organizations, Wasatch House has become a lively Clubhouse with a solid work-ordered day and a vibrant community where members can thrive and work toward recovery.

Wasatch House is a program of Wasatch Behavioral Health. Founded in 1967 to provide quality mental health for all individuals within Utah County, Wasatch Behavioral Health was the first community mental health center in Utah. Wasatch Behavioral Health is a comprehensive community health center offering an array of programs and services for children, teens and adults in both Utah and Wasatch Counties.
Wasatch Behavioral Health provides services such as: inpatient, residential, day treatment, case management, outpatient, 24-hour crises line, outreach, follow-up, referral screening, consultation, education, and prevention in order to meet the requirements of a comprehensive mental health center and to truly embrace wellness.
Wasatch House is an accredited Clubhouse of Clubhouse International. Established in 1994, Clubhouse International is a multi-national, non-profit organization that helps communities around the world create sustainable solutions for mental illness by developing and nurturing new and existing Clubhouses.

Clubhouse International oversees the creation and evolution of rigorous quality standards (Clubhouse Accreditation); develops and delivers quality training and consultation to help Clubhouses achieve and maintain Accreditation; manages the Accreditation process; and coordinates ongoing research, advocacy and communications efforts aimed at improving public awareness of the effectiveness of the Clubhouse approach. This is an approach that allows members to experience respect, hope, and opportunities for growth and acceptance.
Clubhouse Utah is a network of the Clubhouses in the state of Utah who work together to strengthen our Clubhouse communities, promote the values of the Clubhouse model, and and promote effective mental health care for members and others in each of the Clubhouses and their surrounding areas. Clubhouse Utah holds monthly meetings, yearly conferences, and a variety of activities that aids members in experiencing the respect, hope, and opportunity that is found at the heart of the Clubhouse community.